The Brockmeier Law Group (BLG) opened its doors in 2009. We began with the commitment of personalized contact, focusing on each client’s individual goals while advocating to maximize their recovery. This emphasis has awarded BLG an opportunity to succeed in a variety of litigation and settlement cases. Brockmeier Law Group meets the standard of excellence in all cases. We know what it takes to get the results our clients need. We are hard at work, every day, doing just that.

Workplace Retaliation

Irvine CA Employment Law Attorneys

Equal employment opportunity laws allow a workplace environment free from discrimination and harassment. It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against any employee or job applicant. Dependent on the circumstances, the victim may have 6 months to file a lawsuit.

Potential Workplace Retaliation

  • Wrongful termination
  • Denied promotion
  • Unfair performance review
  • Harassment from supervisors or coworkers
  • Pay cut of loss of hours
  • Exclusion from work related activates

Potential Compensation for Workplace Harassment

  • Lost wages
  • Punitive damages
  • Lost benefits
  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished earnings